Rihanna Becomes Ambassador Of Barbados

Since making her debut onto the music scene since the release of 2005's Pon De Replay, Rihanna has added other titles to her resume. This currently includes actress, businesswoman (due in large part to FENTY Beauty and her many fashion lines), and songwriter. Now the nine-time Grammy winner can add country diplomat to all of her massive accomplishments.

Caribbean Life reported that Rihanna has been appointed as an ambassador in her native country of Barbados. Her exact title is that of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, as appointed by the government. Rihanna received this opportunity last week, much to the country's excitement.

As an ambassador for Barbados, Rihanna's duties include promoting education, investment, and tourism for the island nation. She was given this massive role due to her constant giving back to her home country, including multiple contributions to charities in Barbados. In addition, Rihanna has financed scholarships and continues to heavily push education for young people. Given that access to schooling is a problem for this country, Rihanna's push for better opportunities in this sector will hopefully bring about positive changes for Barbados.

It's hoped that the pop superstar will utilize her huge social media presence to promote her home country to her hundreds of millions of followers. Rihanna has made her opinion on her new role well known, expressing her gratitude for being given a role that allows her to give back even more to Barbados. She went on to reveal her excitement in working with her country to increase its presence, as well as push her hopes in bettering the country's education.

It's clear that Rihanna will be the perfect fit as Barbados' Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Between her patriotism, philanthropic actions, and strong social media following to promote her home country, her presence will no doubt lead to many positive changes. It will definitely take plenty of time before such positive changes begin to reveal themselves as a direct result of Rihanna's actions. Having said that, there's no doubt that Barbados will benefit heavily from having such a powerful, famous individual as their ambassador.
