The other day I was out getting breakfast, then some guy and his wife picked up the news paper and saw an article on the main page for a new movies theater in the area that serves dinner, while you watch a movie. He starts yelling “That was my idea! That was my idea!“… then he got all flustered because someone actually took action on an idea he had. Guess what… it was JUST his idea, and he never took the necessary action to get it started anyway. Who succeed and whole failed in this scenario?
This happens all too many times in life and online business. We all think of these great ideas, then are either too busy, don’t have the necessary resources or know where to start to make things happen. That’s the difference between success and the failure to launch.
You don’t have to look far to find success, and it’s easy enough to come up with a new idea or invention that could change the world, or at the least… make you a few million. Something that seems as simple as an Angry Birds app for the iPhone generating a million dollars a month, or a college kid making a fun site to meet girls while in high school (ie: Facebook), not only changes their lives of the creators, but have become world wide phenomenons.
What are you missing out on by not putting your brilliant ideas into action? It doesn’t take much to outsource, invest in your own ideas or at least start mapping your plan out. There are actually many services in place just looking for your ideas, and they do the rest, while you get rewarded or can earn a royalty fee. There are whole businesses just based on taking consumer feedback and ideas, then building them into products and services.
– Got an idea for a cool tshirt? Get paid $2,500!
– Turn Your Ideas into a Real Product
– Submit an App Idea, Earn 25% Royalties
– Want to keep your idea safe? Patent your idea!
You may know the potential investment and requirements to put your idea into action… but what could you possibly be missing out on if you never try?