Nukaka Coster-Waldau is the wife of Darnish actor, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. They have been married for 26 years; since 1997.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau children
Does Nukaka Coster-Waldau have any children with Nikolaj? How many children does Nukaka Coster-Waldau have with Nikolaj? Nukaka Coster-Waldau has two children with Nikolaj. The children are Fillipa Coster-Waldau and Safina Waldau.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau profession
What is Nukaka Coster-Waldau’s profession? What does Nukaka Coster-Waldau do for a living? Nukaka Coster-Waldau is an actress, singer, and former beauty pageant.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau age
How old is Nukaka Coster-Waldau? What is Nukaka Coster-Waldau’s age? Nukaka Coster-Waldau is 52 years old.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau nationality
What is Nukaka Coster-Waldau’s nationality? Where is Nukaka Coster-Waldau from? Nukaka Coster-Waldau was born in Uumannaq, Greenland.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau parents
Who was Nukaka Coster-Waldau born to? Nukaka Coster-Waldau was born to Josef Motzfeldt and Vivi Motzfeldt.
Nukaka Coster-Waldau movies and tv shows
What are some of the popular movies and tv shows by Nukaka Coster-Waldau? Nukaka Coster-Waldau is known for several movies and tv shows. Some of them include;
- Wildside.
- Thin Ice.
- Anori.
- Heart of Life.
- The Experiment.